Title | Type | City | Region |
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Ljubljana | Osrednjeslovenska |
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Celje | Savinjska |
Holy Trinity Church | Iglesia | Nova Gorica | Goriška |
St. Sava Academy | Escuela | Vitanje | Savinjska |
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Novo Mesto | Jugovzhodna Slovenija |
Intercession of the Theotokos Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Litija | Zasavska |
St. Martha Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Koper | Obalno-kraška |
Kranj Parish | Iglesia | Kranj | Gorenjska |
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Maribor | Podravska |
Prekmurje Orthodox Community | Capilla | Murska Sobota | Pomurska |
Carinthia Orthodox Community | Capilla | Ravne na Koroškem | Koroška |
Intercession of the Theotokos Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Postojna | Notranjsko-kraška |
Beheading of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church | Iglesia | Bojanci | Jugovzhodna Slovenija |
Kočevje Parish | Iglesia | Kočevje | Jugovzhodna Slovenija |
Title | Type | City | Region |