
Title Type City Region
Archdiocese of Zimbabwe Archidiócesis Harare Harare
Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral Catedral Avondale Harare
Christ the Savior Orthodox Church Iglesia Avondale Harare
Saint Nectaire Orthodox Church Iglesia Park Town Harare
Assumption of Mary Private Orthodox Church Iglesia Harare Harare
Mzilikazi Orthodox Church Iglesia Bulawayo Bulawayo
Saint Augustine Orthodox Church Iglesia Bulawayo Bulawayo
Saint George Orthodox Church Iglesia Marondera Mashonaland East
Annunciation of the Theotokos Orthodox Church Iglesia Selukwe Midlands
Assumption of Mary Orthodox Church Iglesia Mutare Manicaland
Annunciation of the Theotokos Orthodox Church Iglesia Odzi Manicaland
St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Iglesia Bulawayo Bulawayo
Most Holy Lady of Jerusalem Orthodox Church Iglesia Karoi Mashonaland West
Hellenic School Escuela Harare Harare
Panagia Chrisomirousa Orthodox Chapel Capilla Harare Harare
Warren Park Orthodox Mission Misión Harare Harare
Missionary Fr. Kosmas Gregoriatis Technical School Escuela Harare Harare
Title Type City Region