
Title Type City Region
Metropolis of Sweden and all Scandinavia and Exarchate of the Northern Countries Metrópoli Stockholm Stockholm
Eparchy of Britain and Scandinavia Eparquía Enskede Gård Stockholm
Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Northern Europe Diócesis Stockholm Stockholm
Dormition of the Mother of the God Church Misión Uppsala Uppsala
Saints Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church Catedral Stockholm Stockholm
Saint Philothei Church Iglesia Enkoping Uppsala
Saint Sergius of Radonezh Orthodox Church Iglesia Stockholm Södermanland
Icon of Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Church Iglesia Vasteras Västmanland
Monastery of Holy Trinity Monasterio Bredared Västernorrland
Convent of St. Philothei of Athens Monasterio Grillby Uppsala
Protection of the Holy Virgin Monastery Monasterio Laholm Halland
Saint George Monastery Monasterio Olofstrom Blekinge
Saint George Iglesia Stockholm Stockholm
Title Type City Region