
Title Type City Region
Archdiocese of Sao Paulo and All Brazil Архиепископия Sao Paulo São Paulo
Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro and Olinda-Recife Архиепископия Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Merciful Sons & Daugthers of the Cross Monastery Монастырь Votorantim São Paulo
Saint Savvas Orthodox Church Церковь Curitiba Paraná
Dormition of the Mother of God Orthodox Church Церковь Porto União Santa Catarina
St. Peter Orthodox Church Церковь Sao Paulo São Paulo
Dormition of Theotokos Church Церковь Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
St. Cyril and St. Methodius Polish Orthodox Mission Миссия Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais
Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Sao Jose dos Pinhais Paraná
Saint Andrew Orthodox Church - Ι.Ν.Αγίου Ανδρέου του Πρωτοκλήτου Церковь Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Mosteiro Belιm Монастырь Guaratinguetα São Paulo
Holy Virgin Protection Orthodox Church Церковь Niterói Rio de Janeiro
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral Собор São Paulo São Paulo
Saint Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church Церковь Carapicuíba São Paulo
Saint Sergius of Radonezh Orthodox Church Церковь São Paulo São Paulo
Holy Virgin Protection Orthodox Church Церковь Balineario Mar Paulista São Paulo
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Церковь Vila Prudente São Paulo
Holy Virgin Protection Orthodox Church Церковь Vila Prudente São Paulo
Saint Peter Orthodox Cathedral Собор São Paulo São Paulo
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Церковь Florianópolis Santa Catarina
Saint George Orthodox Church Церковь Praia do Canto Vitória Espírito Santo
Annunciation of the Mother of God Orthodox Church Церковь Brasília Distrito Federal
Saints Apostles Orthodox Church Церковь Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul
Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church Церковь Goiânia Goiás
Saint Iakovos Orthodox Church Церковь Capão Redondo São Paulo
Dormition of the Theotokos Orthodox Church Церковь Cambuci São Paulo
Saint John the Theologian Orthodox Monastic Community Монастырь São José Santa Catarina
Saint Paul Orthodox Cathedral Собор São Paulo São Paulo
Monastery of St. Nicholas - Conde, PB-Brazil Монастырь João Pessoa Paraíba
Chapel St. Seraphim of Sarov Часовня Fortaleza Ceará
Cathedral of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin Mary to the Temple Собор Copacabana Rio de Janeiro
St. John the Forerunner Church Церковь Cordeiro Rio de Janeiro
St. George the Victorious Church Церковь Marica Rio de Janeiro
St. Catherine the Great Church Церковь Conde Paraíba
Theophany of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Собор Recife Pernambuco
St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Mission Миссия Catolé Paraíba
Orthodox Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Церковь Guarabira Paraíba
Presentation of the Mother of God Orthodox Mission Миссия Belém Paraíba
Protection of the Mother of God Orthodox Mission Миссия Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Dormition of the Mother of God Church Церковь Recife Pernambuco
Holy Trinity Church Церковь Camaragibe Pernambuco
Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery Монастырь Camaragibe Pernambuco
St. John Chrysostom Church Церковь Caruaru Pernambuco
St. Anthony the Great Church Церковь Belo Jardim Pernambuco
Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" Church Церковь Brasilia Distrito Federal
Annunciation of Our Lady Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь São Paulo São Paulo
Asylum Antiochian Orthodox Chapel Часовня São Paulo São Paulo
St. George Orthodox Chapel Часовня São Paulo São Paulo
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Santos Церковь Santos São Paulo
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Bariri Церковь Bariri São Paulo
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of São José do Rio Preto Церковь São José do Rio Preto São Paulo
St. Vladimir the Great Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь São Caetano do Sul São Paulo
Our Lady Tsambica Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Lins São Paulo
Our Lady of Ituverava Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Ituverava São Paulo
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Curitiba Церковь Curitiba Paraná
St. George and St. Peter the Apostle Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Recife Pernambuco
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Anápolis Церковь Anápolis Goiás
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Goiânia Goiás
St. John the Baptist Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Ipameri Goiás
Antiochian Orthodox Church of Catalão Церковь Catalão Goiás
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Belo Horizonte Церковь Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais
St. Elias the Prophet Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Guaxupé Minas Gerais
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church of Brasilia Церковь Brasilia Distrito Federal
Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church Церковь Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
St. Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral Собор Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God Монастырь Santa Maria Madalena Rio de Janeiro
St. Michael the Archangel Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Duque de Caxias Rio de Janeiro
St. Mary Mother of God Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Duque de Caxias Rio de Janeiro
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Chapel Часовня Duque de Caxias Rio de Janeiro
St. Demetrios Ukrainian Cathedral Собор Curitiba Paraná
St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Church Церковь Curitiba Paraná
St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Ponta Grossa Paraná
Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Irati Paraná
St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Palmital Paraná
Holy Spirit Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Apucarana Paraná
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Joaquim Tavora Paraná
Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Apucarana Paraná
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь União da Vitória Paraná
St. Sergius of Radonezh Russian Orthodox Church Церковь Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Canoas Rio Grande do Sul
St. Peter and St. Paul Russian Orthodox Church Церковь Santa Rosa Rio Grande do Sul
St. John the Evangelist Russian Orthodox Church Церковь Campina das Missões Rio Grande do Sul
St. Volodymir the Great Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Papanduva Santa Catarina
Holy Trinity Church Церковь Olinda Pernambuco
St. Matthew the Apostle Russian Orthodox Church Церковь Jaboatão dos Guararapes Pernambuco
St. James the Apostle Polish Orthodox Church Церковь Raposa Maranhão
Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church Церковь São Paulo São Paulo
Holy Family Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Embú-Guaçú São Paulo
Protection of the Mother of God Church Церковь Osasco São Paulo
Our Lady Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Campinas São Paulo
Antiochian Orthodox Church of Piracicaba Церковь Piracicaba São Paulo
Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь São Caetano do Sul São Paulo
Holy Martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, and Lyubov and their Mother Sophia Mission Часовня Manaus Amazonas
Venerable New-Martyr Elizabeth Mission Миссия Valinhos São Paulo
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Community Часовня Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos Orthodox Monastery Монастырь Petropolis Rio de Janeiro
Maceio Orthodox Community Часовня Maceió Alagoas
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Chapel Часовня Campina das Missoes Rio Grande do Sul
St. Volodymir the Great Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Iracema Santa Catarina
Sts. Cosmas and Damian Orthodox Church Церковь Xaxim Santa Catarina
Holy Spirit Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Jangada do Sul Santa Catarina
Dormition of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church Церковь Xaxim Jangada Santa Catarina
Mission of St Herman of Alaska Миссия Gramado Rio Grande do Sul
Title Type City Region