United Kingdom

Title Type City Region
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain Архиепископия London Greater London
Diocese of Sourozh Епархия London Greater London
Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe Епархия Birkenhead Merseyside
Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland Архиепископия London Greater London
Diocese of UK, Europe and Africa Епархия Swindon Wiltshire
Diocese of London Епархия Stevenage Hertfordshire
Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Собор London Greater London
Mor Gregorious Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Церковь Peterborough Cambridgeshire
The Chapel of Saint Elizabeth the New Martyr Часовня Oxton Merseyside
Saint John of Kronstadt Orthodox Church Церковь Bath Somerset
Saint Edward the Martyr Церковь Dorchester Dorset
Saint Dunstan Церковь Poole Dorset
Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God Церковь Bristol Gloucestershire
The Orthodox Community of the Holy Trinity in Bristol Церковь Bristol Gloucestershire
Parish of Saint Ephraim the Syrian Церковь Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Saint Theodore Of Canterbury Церковь Canterbury Kent
Saint Cuthbert Церковь Chesterfield Derbyshire
Saint Helen of Colchester Церковь Colchester Essex
Saint John's Церковь Colchester Essex
Saint Prophet Elias Orthodox Church Церковь Exeter Devon
Saint Simon the Zealot Церковь Dalton-in-Furness Lancashire
Saint David's Russian Orthodox Community Церковь Derby Derbyshire
The Parish of Saint Columba with Saint Kentigern Церковь Doncaster South Yorkshire
Serbian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas (Donnington) Церковь Telford Shropshire
Saints Cuthbert and Bede Orthodox Church Церковь Durham Durham
Saint Anne Церковь Exeter Devon
Archangel Michael and Saint Piran Церковь Falmouth Cornwall
Orthodox Christian Monastery of St Anthony and St Cuthbert Монастырь Shrewsbury Shropshire
Parish of the Holy Transfiguration Церковь Great Walsingham Norfolk
Community of Saint Marina and Saint Kenelm Церковь Grimsby Lincolnshire
Saint Margaret's Church Церковь Kings Lynn Norfolk
The Parish of the Holy Cross Церковь Lancaster Lancashire
Community of Saint Gregory the Theologian Церковь Leeds West Yorkshire
Nativity of Christ Orthodox Church Церковь Brighton East Sussex
Community of All Saints of Lincolnshire Церковь Lincoln Lincolnshire
Saint Botolph Orthodox Church Церковь London Greater London
Parish of The Dormition of the Mother of God Церковь London Greater London
Parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Церковь London Greater London
Dormition of the Mother of God and All Saints Orthodox Church Собор London Greater London
Orthodox Christian Community of Saint Aethelheard Церковь Louth Lincolnshire
Saint Theodore Church Церковь Macclesfield Cheshire
The Parish of Saint Aidan Церковь Manchester Lancashire
Orthodox Parish of Saint Paulinus of York Церковь Newark Nottinghamshire
Saint John the Theologian Orthodox Church Церковь Norwich Norfolk
The Orthodox Parish of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Церковь Oxford Oxfordshire
Annunciation and Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Церковь Oxford Oxfordshire
Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Demetrios and Saint Nikitas Церковь Plymouth Devon
Orthodox Church of Archangel Michael and Holy Piran Церковь Falmouth Cornwall
Church of Saint Stephen the Great Церковь Poole Dorset
Orthodox Parish of Sts Peter and Paul Церковь Portsmouth Hampshire
Greek Orthodox Community of the Holy Apostles Церковь Preston Lancashire
The Orthodox Church of the Ascension of the Lord, Community of Saint Chad Церковь Rugby Warwickshire
Saint John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Церковь Salisbury Wiltshire
The Orthodox Community of Saint Cuthbert Церковь Scunthorpe Lincolnshire
Orthodox Community of Saint Cuthbert Церковь Sheffield South Yorkshire
Greek Orthodox Community of the 318 Fathers of Nicea 1st Oecumenical Council Церковь Shrewsbury Shropshire
Saint Michael Orthodox Church Церковь Audley Staffordshire
Saint Fursey Orthodox Study Centre Церковь Norwich Norfolk
The Russian Orthodox Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Церковь Swindon Wiltshire
The Chapel of the Mother of God of Unexpected Joy Часовня Tavistock Devon
The Chapel of the Community of Saint Anthony and Saint Elias Церковь Totnes Devon
Community of Saint Cuthbert Церковь Truro Cornwall
Eucharistic Community of Saint Luke Церковь Tunbridge Wells Kent
Nativity of the Mother of God Orthodox Church Церковь Walsall Staffordshire
Mother of God of the Life Giving Spring Orthodox Church Церковь Walsingham Norfolk
Saint Constantine the Great Orthodox Church Церковь York North Yorkshire
Saint Constantine and Saint Helen Greek Orthodox Church Церковь York North Yorkshire
All Saints of Wales Orthodox Church Церковь Blaenau Ffestiniog Gwynedd
Orthodox Community Of The Three Holy Hierarchs Церковь Cardiganshire Ceredigion
The Orthodox Community of Saint David Церковь Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire
The Orthodox Community of Saint Zachariah and Saint Elizabeth Церковь Glamorgan Powys
The Orthodox Community of Saint Matthew the Apostle Церковь Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire
The Chapel off Saint John the Baptist Часовня Ross-shire Highlands
Orthodox Community of Saint Nicholas Церковь Perthshire Stirling
The Orthodox Community of Dundee Церковь Angus Dundee
The Orthodox Chapel of Saint Andrew Часовня Midlothian Edinburgh
The Oratory of the Mother of God and Saint Cumein Церковь Inverness-shire Highlands
Orthodox Community of Saint Kentigern Церковь Lanarkshire Glasgow
The Orthodox Community of the Highlands Церковь Inverness Highlands
The Orthodox Community of Saint Andrews Церковь Fife Fife
The Orthodox Community of Stirling Церковь Stirlingshire Stirling
Saint Ignatius Antiochian Orthodox Church Церковь Belfast County Antrim
Saint John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church Церковь Felixstowe Suffolk
The Orthodox Community of Holy Trinity Церковь Guildford Surrey
Saints Bega, Mungo and Herbert Orthodox Community Церковь Keswick Cumbria
Three Hierarchs Orthodox Church Leeds Церковь Leeds West Yorkshire
Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral Собор London Greater London
Church of the Ikon of the Mother of God Церковь Mettingham Suffolk
Saints Aidan and Chad Russian Orthodox Church Церковь Nottingham Nottinghamshire
Orthodox Community of Saint Anne Церковь Northampton Northamptonshire
Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church - Reading Церковь READING Berkshire
The Parish of Saint Elisabeth the New Martyr Часовня Birkenhead Cheshire
Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies Университет Cambridge Cambridgeshire
University of Wales Trinity Saint David Университет Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire
The Saint Eanswythe Orthodox Mission Миссия Bournemouth Dorset
Russian Orthodox Community of St Finnian of Clonard Миссия Belfast County Antrim
Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral Университет Lanarkshire Glasgow
The Greek School of Glasgow Школа Lanarkshire Glasgow
Stavropegic Monastery of St John the Baptist Монастырь Maldon Essex
Saint Anne Monastic House & Chapel Монастырь York North Yorkshire
Saint Edward Brotherhood Monastery Монастырь Woking Surrey
Dormition of Mother of God and Holy Royal Martyrs Orthodox Church Собор London Greater London
Saint Barbara the Great Martyr Greek Orthodox Parish Церковь Chester Cheshire
Virgin Mary and Saint Abraham Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Brighton and Hove East Sussex
Virgin Mary and Saint Mercurius Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Risca Caerphilly
Virgin Mary and Saint Abaskhyron Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Llandudno Conwy
Saint Samuel the Confessor Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Bournemouth Dorset
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Kirkcaldy Fife
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Kensington Greater London
Virgin Mary and Saint Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь London Borough of Barnet Greater London
Virgin Mary and Saint Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Coulsdon Greater London
Saint John The Evangelist Coptic Orthodox Church Церковь Beckenham Kent
Coptic Orthodox Church Centre Университет Stevenage Hertfordshire
St Mary's Церковь Horden Durham
St Joseph's Church Церковь Bradford West Yorkshire
Church of the Holy Resurrection Церковь Stoke on Trent Staffordshire
The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Mary and St. Marina Церковь Stoke on Trent Staffordshire
Thyateira Midlands Ecclesiastical Seminary Университет Birmingham West Midlands
The Greek Orthodox Community of Ss Stephen & Thecla Миссия Leominster Herefordshire
Saints Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church, Nottingham Церковь Nottingham Nottinghamshire
Saints Joachim and Anna Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Aberdeen Aberdeenshire
St. John the Theologian Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Ballymena County Antrim
St. Ap. Andrew Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Birmingham West Midlands
The Nativity of the Theotokos Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Boston Lincolnshire
Sts. Constantine & Helen, Equal-to-the Apostles Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Bristol Bristol
St. John the Apostle Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Cambridge Cambridgeshire
St. Steven Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Cardiff Cardiff
The Annunciation of the Theotokos Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Caterham Surrey
Presentation of Our Lord Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Glasgow Glasgow
St. Macarius the Great Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Leeds West Yorkshire
Ven. Paisios from Neamt Romanian Orthodox Church Часовня Wirral Merseyside
St. Great Martyr George Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь London Greater London
Descent of the Holy Spirit Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь London Greater London
St. Prophet Elias Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь London Greater London
St. John the Baptist and St. Alban Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Luton Bedfordshire
The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Northampton Northamptonshire
St. Martyr Philothea and Ven. Bede Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Norwich Norfolk
St. John Cassian Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Oxford Oxfordshire
Ven. Paraskeve Romanian Orthodox Church Церковь Plymouth Devon
Monastery of St. Antony the Great and St. Cuthbert Монастырь Pontestbury Shropshire
Monastery of Saints Ninian and Cuthbert Монастырь Torloisk Argyll and Bute
St Theodore of Tarsus Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Миссия Cardiff Cardiff
Orthodox Church of the Ascension and St Chad Церковь Rugby Warwickshire
Sisterhood of the Holy Martyr Elizabeth and the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia Монастырь Robertsbridge East Sussex
The Parish of The New Martyrs Elizabeth & Barbara Церковь Buckfast Devon
Orthodox Church of the Holy Protection Церковь Blaenau Ffestiniog Gwynedd
Saint John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church Церковь Halifax West Yorkshire
Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Mary Magdalene Церковь Hastings East Sussex
Saint John of Shanghai Russian Orthodox Church Миссия Belfast County Antrim
Parish of St. Silouan of Mount Athos Церковь Lyndhurst Hampshire
St Aidan's Orthodox Church, Manchester Церковь Manchester Greater Manchester
St Melangell's Orthodox Church Миссия Manchester Greater Manchester
Shrewsbury Orthodox Church of Holy Fathers - St Nicholas' Telford Mission Миссия Donnington Shropshire
Greek Orthodox Church of St John Chrysostom Церковь Cheltenham Gloucestershire
Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Leeds Церковь Leeds West Yorkshire
The Orthodox Christian Community of St Anne and All Saints of Worcestershire Церковь Bransford Worcestershire
Serbian Orthodox Church of St Nicholas (Muxton) Церковь Telford Shropshire
The Parish of Saint Elisabeth the New Martyr Церковь The Wirral Cheshire
Orthodox Mission of St Chad Миссия Telford Shropshire
St David and St Nicholas, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Llanelli Миссия Llanelli Carmarthenshire
Orthodox Parish Church of the Archangel Gabriel Церковь Glasgow Aberdeen
St Edmund's Orthodox Mission Миссия Nottingham Nottinghamshire
Community of St Silouan and All Saints of Britain and Ireland Миссия Chesterfield Derbyshire
St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Liverpool Церковь Liverpool Merseyside
Parish of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Церковь Cardiff Cardiff
Parish of St David and St Nicholas Миссия Llanelli Carmarthenshire
St Theodore and St Teilo Orthodox Church Церковь Cardiff Cardiff
St Theodore & St Teilo Orthodox Church Церковь Cardiff, Wales - Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe Cardiff
Antiochian Orthodox Church of St Ignatius Церковь Belfast Berkshire
Belfast Orthodox Parish "The Entry of the Mother of God into the Church", Romanian Церковь Belfast Aberdeen
Orthodox Exchange Школа Cardiff Cardiff
Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Prince Lazar Церковь Birmingham West Midlands
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Dormition of Theotokos and Saint Andrew Собор Birmingham West Midlands
Orthodox Mission of St John the Forerunner and Baptist Миссия Durham Durham
Orthodox Parish of St. Silouan Southampton Церковь Southampton Hampshire
Title Type City Region