
Title Type City Region
Diocese of The Hague and the Netherlands Епархия The Hague Zuid-Holland
Archdiocese of the Netherlands Архиепископия Glane Overijssel
Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nikolas Церковь Rotterdam Zuid-Holland
Saint Cathrine Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Orthodox Church of Annunciation of the Mother of the God Церковь Utrecht Utrecht
Orthodox Church of Saint Nectarios Церковь Eindhoven Noord-Brabant
Orthodox Monastery of Birth of Theotokos Монастырь Asten Noord-Brabant
Saint Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Orthodox Church of Alexander Nevsky Церковь Rotterdam Zuid-Holland
Saint Ephrem the Syrian Monastery Монастырь Losser Overijssel
Saint Kyriakos Othodox Church Церковь Enschede Overijssel
Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary Церковь Hengelo Overijssel
Saint Johannes Orthodox Church Церковь Hengelo Overijssel
Jacob of Sarugh Orthodox Church Церковь Enschede Overijssel
Saint Simon of Olivenoil Orthodox Church Церковь Oldenzaal Overijssel
Saint Ignatius Nurono Orthodox Church Церковь Rijssen Overijssel
Saint Sharbil Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Saint Virgin Maria Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Orthodox Church Saint Cornelius Церковь Amersfoort Utrecht
Saint Johannes the Voorloper Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Saint Mary from Egypt Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Saints New Martyrs Orthodox Church Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Orhodox Parish of Intercession of the Virgin Церковь Arnhem Gelderland
Orthodox Parish of Saints Myrrhophores Церковь Breda Noord-Brabant
Saints Apostles Peter and Paul Orthodox Church Церковь Deventer Overijssel
Orthodox Church of the Birth of Mother of God Церковь Emmen Drenthe
Orthodox Church of Saint Martinus Церковь Gorinchem Zuid-Holland
Orthodox Parish of Holy Transfiguration Церковь Groningen Zuid-Holland
Orthodox Church of Saint Joannes the Doper Церковь Hague Zuid-Holland
Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene Церковь Hague Zuid-Holland
Saints Respectable Paisi Hilendarski and Archangels Michael and Gabriel Orthodox Church Церковь Hague Zuid-Holland
Orthodox Church of Saint Johannes Церковь Haarlem Noord-Holland
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Церковь Nijefurd Friesland
Saint Prophet Elias Orthodox Church Церковь Sint Hubert Noord-Brabant
Saint Panteleimon Orthodox Church Церковь Kollumerland Friesland
Orthodox Parish of Saint Johannes Chrysostomos and Servatios Церковь Maastricht Limburg
Mission of Saint Apostel Thomas Миссия Maastricht Limburg
Orthodox Church of Saint Savvas Церковь Nijmegen Gelderland
Orthodox Church of Saint Tichon Церковь Nijmegen Gelderland
Orthodox Church of Holly Trinity Церковь Rotterdam Zuid-Holland
Saint Gregory the Theologian Церковь Schiedam Zuid-Holland
Orthodox Church of Saint Simon Церковь Utrecht Utrecht
Orthodox Church of Saint Stefan Церковь Utrecht Utrecht
Old-Catholic Parish of St. Martin Groningen Церковь Arnhem Gelderland
Constance Smith Moes Церковь Amsterdam Noord-Holland
Protestantse Gemeente Bilthoven Церковь Bilthoven Utrecht
Άγιος Νικόλαος Собор Rotterdam Zuid-Holland
Title Type City Region