
Title Type City Region
Metropolis of Austria and Exarchate of Hungary and Middle Europe Мегаполис Wien Wien
Diocese of Vienna and Austria Епархия Wien Wien
Diocese of Austria and Switzerland Епархия Vienna Vienna
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral Собор Wien Wien
Saint Lazarus Orthodox Chapel Часовня Wien Wien
Holy New Martyrs Orthodox Church Церковь Linz Oberösterreich
Saint George Orthodox Church Церковь Wien Wien
Greek National School of Vienna Школа Wien Wien
Saint Ivan Rilski Orthodox Church Церковь Wien Wien
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church Церковь Wien Wien
Church of the holy priest-martyr Platon of Banja Luka Церковь Wiener Neustadt Niederösterreich
Holy Virgin Orthodox Church Церковь Wien Wien
Frauenkirche (Nativity of our Lady the the most Holy Mother of God) Церковь Feldkirch Vorarlberg
Franziskanerkloster Maria Enzersdorf Монастырь Maria Enzersdorf Niederösterreich
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Vienna Церковь Wien Wien
Cathedral Church of Saint Sava Собор Wien Wien
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Церковь Wien Wien
Church of the Resurrection of Christ Церковь Wien Wien
Church of the Holy Apostle Thomas Церковь Sankt Pelten Niederösterreich
Church of the Holy Father Nicholas of Myra Церковь Tulln Niederösterreich
Title Type City Region