Saints Theodore Orthodox Church, Demenika, Greece
Información general
- Arquidiócesis Autocéfala:
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Metrópoli:
- Metropolis of Patrai
- Pastor:
- Fr. Dimitrios Katsiametis
- Pastor:
- Fr. Dimitrios Tsokris
- Día de celebración:
- February 17 - feast of saint Theodore Tyron
- Segundo día de celebración:
- February 8 - saint Theodore Stratelates
Contact Details
- Dirección:
- Demenika, Demenika, Achaea, 26500 Greece
- Teléfono:
- 2610-528188
Información histórica
- Year of Establishment:
- 1985
- Historia:
- After great efforts in the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, the church was finally inaugurated on October 22, 1985, by the then Metropolitan of Patras, Mr. Nikodimos. The first vicar was the archpriest Fr. Andreas Athanasopoulos, followed by the archpriest Fr. Dimitrios Katsiametis, who fell asleep about 2.5 years ago. At the beginning of the 10th year of 2000, a large Spiritual center was created in order to meet the great needs of the parish, while the head of the church since 2015 is Archimandrite Fr. Christodoulos Zois, a member of the brotherhood of the holy monastery of Omplou.
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