Orthodox World

Serbian Church Buchrain, Luzern, Switzerland

Serbian Church Buchrain

Información general

Fr. Dragan Stanojevic

Contact Details

Hauptstrasse, Luzern, Luzern, CH-6033 Switzerland
+41 (0)76 587 00 11

Información histórica

Year of Establishment:
The Serbian Orthodox Church in Buchrein in Luzern was established on March 23, 1998 to serve the Serbian Orthodox Christians who live in the general Luzern area. The first Priest, Father Simeun Prodanovich was established on July 1, 1998 to the Parish of the Church. On November 1, 1998, Priest Milutin Nikolic replaced Father Simeon in our Church, and on January 1, 2005 Priest Dragan Stanojevic replaced Father Milutin and now is responsible for the Parish of Luzern The Church really started to prosper with Father Dragan’s arrival to the Church. In 2006 the President of the Church Board, Dragoslav Popovic, and Father Dragan Stanojevic signed a Contract with the local government in Luzern/Buchrain for the use of the Church of St. Agatha. Because this Church was catholic before, SPC needed to invest significant time and money to refurbish the Church interior and exterior, including icons. In 2007, the Church organized a Choir and special education on Saturday for youth and adults. Additionally, the Church also organized external Liturgy in Baar/Zug and Altdorf/Uri.

For Priests or Parish Council Officers Services for the Iglesia

If you are a Priest or Parish Council Officer of this Iglesia you may use the following services:

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Lighten the Iglesia

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Support for Iglesia Endeavours

Create Holy Causes for funding of your Iglesia's Christian projects and endeavours. Support a Holy Cause is a new service empowering your parishioners and followers to connect virtually with Serbian Church Buchrain, Luzern, Luzern and support specific Christian endeavours such as Philoptochos and Iglesia Renovation in an easy and secure way. As a Iglesia Representative, you can create one or more Holy Causes and start getting funding for your Iglesia projects.