Orthodox World

Holy Epiphany Orthodox Church, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

Holy Epiphany Orthodox Church

General Details

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Metropolis of Singapore and South Asia
Fr. Chrysostomos Manalu
Fr. Gabriel Rehatta
Feast Day:
January 6 - Holy Theophany

Contact Details

Jl Meriam Block D/109, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, 13440 Indonesia
(+62) 21 9199553
(+62) 21 7801767

Historical Details

Build - Founding Year:
The community of Holy Epiphany Orthodox Church in Jakarta, Indonesia is one of the earliest Orthodox communities in Indonesia. The community began to form in 1995 when catechumen classes began to be taught in Jakarta. By 1997, 70 catechumens had been baptized. An artist named Theodoros, one of the first converts, donated a studio building for the community to worship in. NEW BUILDING The church continued to grow. In 2007, ten years after their founding, the community was in need of a more permanent building as the studio was too small and in need of repair. The studio was torn down and services were held in the home of Theodoros while the new church was being constructed. Due to a lack of funds and difficulty getting permission from the local government, construction was suspended for a year and a half. Despite the incomplete state of the church, one couple chose to be married within its walls, the first service held within the new church. On the feast of the Holy Epiphany (January 6th) in 2009, the parishioners and church council decided to begin working toward completing the construction. The community began fund raising projects at home and abroad. Though the church was still under construction, all services began to be held inside the nearly completed church as of Christmas, 2009. Construction of the main part of the church was completed in April of 2010, though the pastoral office and Sunday school rooms are still under construction as of October, 2010. THE COMMUNITY TODAY Over 150 households registered in the church today, and attend as well as a number of catechumen s and visitors. St. Ioann Sunday school is held for children ages 2 – 12 in a hut in front of the church. Children are divided into 2 classes taught by the Sunday school coordinator and four assistant teachers. St. Prochoros teenager’s class for the teenagers ages 12-16 . The church also has an active twenty-five member youth group ( St. Romanos youth ) which participates in the choir, parish events and philanthropy of the church. The church regularly holds Saturday Great Vespers and Orthros and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning as well as feast day services. PHILANTROPY Holy Epiphany has a philanthropic ministry to its surrounding communities and participates in charitable works nation-wide. Clothes and personal items are collected for the needy locally and during national disasters. RECTOR Holy Epiphany is pastured by Fr. Gabriel Rehatta. Baptized in 1995, he is one of the earliest converts to Orthodoxy in Indonesia. Fr. Gabriel attended St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary in Crestwood, New York in 1997, and was ordained a priest in 2000. He continued his studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology majoring in liturgy. He graduated in 2002. Soon after words, he was appointed to Holy Epiphany.

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