
Title Type City Region
Sts. John the Baptist and Nicholas Orthodox Church Church Impfondo Likouala
Holy Martyr Photini Orthodox Church Church Pointe-Noire Kouilou
St. Dimitrios Orthodox Cathedral Cathedral Pointe-Noire Kouilou
Ascension of the Lord Orthodox Church Church Pointe-Noire Kouilou
Holy Church of St. Irene Church Dolisie Niari
Holy Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior Church Nkayi Bouenza
Holy Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Lord Cathedral Brazzaville Brazzaville
Light of the Nations Orthodox School School Dolisie Niari
St. Eustathius Orthodox Orphanage Orphanage Dolisie Niari
Oubangui Orthodox Community Chapel Betoukoumba Likouala
St. Spyridon Orthodox Church Church Louingui Pool
Title Type City Region