
Title Type City Region
Metropolis of Switzerland Metropolis Chambésy Genève
Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Cathedral Geneva Genève
Saint Nicolas Orthodox Church Church Basel Basel-Landschaft
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Church Bern Bern
Saint Panteleimon Orthodox Church Church Leysin Vaud
Saint Barbara Orthodox Church Church Vevey Vaud
Nativity of Christ Orthodox Church Church Pully Vaud
Protection of the Mother of God Orthodox Church Church Zürich Zürich
Saint Andrew Orthodox Church Church Basel Basel-Stadt
Saint George the Martyr Orthodox Church Church fribourg Baden-Württemberg
Resurrection of the God Orthodox Church Church Chamb?sy Genève
Saint Parascheva Orthodox Church Church Chur Graub?nden
Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church Church Grand-Lancy Genève
All Saints Romanian Orthodox Church Church Lausanne Vaud
Saint John of Suceava Orthodox Church Church Lugano Ticino
Birth of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church Church Luzern Luzern
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Church Areuse Baden-Württemberg
Saints George and Maurice Orthodox Church Church Sion Wallis
Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Church Zürich Zürich
Saint Apostle Paul Orthodox Church Church Chamb?sy Genève
Saint Catherine and Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Church Chamb?sy Genève
Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church Church Chene-Bourg Genève
Resurrection of Lord Orthodox Chapel Chapel Chamb?sy Genève
Saint Gerasim Orthodox Church Church Lausanne Vaud
Saint Silouan the Athonite and Protection of the Holy Mother of God Orthodox Church Church Fribourg Baden-Württemberg
Saint Demetrius Orthodox Church Church Zürich Zürich
Saints Constantine and Hellen Orthodox Church Church St. Gallen St. Gallen
Saint Sofia Orthodox Church Church Munchenstein Basel-Landschaft
Epiphany Orthodox Church Church Lugano Ticino
Serbian Church Buchrain Church Luzern Luzern
St. Simon the Myroblites Church St. Gallen St. Gallen
Holy Trinity Monastery Monastery Dompierre Vaud
Heiliges Orthodoxes Kloster Beinwil Monastery Beinwil Solothurn
Communauté eucharistique de SION Chapel Sion Valais
Title Type City Region